
Hoodman Loop

I use follow focus for manual focusing with Canon 5D Mark 2 video mode. Quite a many times I noticed that focus was off the target. LCD screen is good but not big enough for me to be sure when I am focusing correct. On the other hand dof is thin and my eyes are old. Something was to be done either bigger screen or better eyes. Better eyes I couldn't get and bigger screen was too expensive and will need also more batteries to the field to carry with. I saw somebody was using Hoodman Loop 3" and I decided to buy one. I bought also one LCD Hood & Cap for 40D.
I did cut upper section off from LCD Hood & Cap and glued that to hold Hoodman Loop 3" in a correct position.
Now I can press Hooman Loop against my eye corner to hold camera steady when shooting video. At the same time hood is covering screen and bright sun light is not disturbing visibility.

2 kommenttia:

Anonyymi kirjoitti...


Ratkaisusi on varsin mielenkiintoinen ja tuntuu käyttökelpoiselta.

Omat silmäni ovat samoin pitkään käytetyt ja olen tuskaillut LCD-näytön kautta tapahtuvan kuvaamisen kanssa keväthangilla, erityisesti hankittuani 5D Mark 2:n .

Mistä moisia vempaimia mahtaa Suomessa nopeimmin saada ja mitä hintaluokkaa ne suunnilleen ovat?

Kari Lahtela

040 5943739

Hannu Korpinen kirjoitti...


En löytänyt Hoodman tuotteita Suomesta vaan jouduin tilaamaan ne jenkeistä.

